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Taking Part

Your feedback is so important, and your opinions will go towards helping improve the customer service you receive.

Here at Investor in Customers (IIC), we have been carrying out in-depth Customer Experience (CX) assessments for organisations for nearly 20 years.
We interpret the results from these assessments and give our clients detailed and personalised action plans to ensure improvement in their CX delivery.


Our clients come from all sectors – both consumer and business to business – but they all share a desire to understand better the customer experience that they currently deliver, and to enhance as much as possible in the future. That's why your responses can make a real difference. 

You are in safe hands.

We take our role in this process very seriously. You can be assured that we handle our clients' data using rigorous security procedures, and within appropriate time frames.

For further details about how we use and handle data, please read our full Privacy Notice

Why is it important to measure customer experience?

Experts agree that the quality of the customer experience that an organisation delivers is the single largest factor in determining its profitability and long-term success.

How do we do this at IIC? Through various different methods. All our projects can be made bespoke. Full details are available via this download.


To find out how we can help your business understand and improve its customer experience, please give us a call, drop us an email or complete the form below.

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