Three options:
Foundation: A single survey covering all components of TSM and additional questions to understand strengths and weaknesses, highlighting causes of both satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Essential: Multiple surveys throughout the year to monitor satisfaction, trends, and root causes of success and failure on a regular basis, with the opportunity to add questions aligned to KPI's and core business initiatives
Advanced: A fully managed programme to complete an in-depth assessment and gather on-going, real-time feedback after each key touch point to complete TSM submissions and identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement

How it works:
We will gather your online feedback from your tenants' experience
Your designated IIC practitioners will be on-hand throughout the process to make sure everything runs smoothly, and you get the maximum benefit from your assessment.
Analysis of key interactions, providing insight throughout the client journey.
Clear metrics to ensure your clients stay longer-buy more-refer others
Dashboards make key information available to the people who need it most
Benchmark comparisons with other IIC clients.
Opportunity to expand research to other stakeholders
Giving you:
Actionable insights
Independent verification and benchmarking to help you understand and provide context to your results